Friday, August 7, 2009

Night 3, Camp Paddlephiles, Hermann, MO

It's almost 1:00 am. I'm expecting the guys to make Hermann around 2:15 or so and camp is all set so I set out to look for an open gas station and hopefully a 24 hour store that has some athletic tape. I find neither. I do find and internet cafe called the Juntion. They're closed but the wi-fi is on so I guess I'll give you an update.

Jefferson City - 4:35 pm

Mokane (Dinner stop) 8:30 pm

I got to Mokane pretty early and started a nice fire down by the river and put the percolator and a can of stew on it. Turns out a guy with a fire and a 20 cup of percolator full of coffee can make a lot of friends as weary paddlers come and go. Mike and Patrick came and went pretty quick but I hung out for an extra hour and kept the fire going since I had 4 hours to get to Hermann. I warmed up about a half dozen stragglers and then left the fire in good hands and moved on. It's probably still going.


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