Friday, August 7, 2009


Success! Paddlephiles arrive at the finish line at 8:33 for a total race time of 83 hours and 3 minutes. We have a long drive home so no story right now.

We're already making plans to not do this next year.

I'm kidding. Of course we're doing it next year.

1 comment:

  1. And speaking of next year, the time has come to prepare again...just dropping a line and introducing ourselves...Jeff, Kevin and David Moore of 3 Dudes In A Canoe, and one of the "other" three entered for team division 2010. Hopefully you can continue to hand out training tips as this will be our maiden voyage in the MR 340. Looking forward to meeting in person, maybe 6 weeks before the race on all of our last nights of drinking! Check out jm
